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Thank you for making the PURINA TRIMAX/Minor Brothers promotion such a fantastic success!

During the month of December 2015, we gratefully received 73 bags of PURINA TRIMAX feed, which were donated by the public (YOU!) and 12 more bags, donated by Minor Brothers.

Thank you so much for your generosity and show of support!



For our annual Christmas Open House!


christmas2014Come and mingle, enjoy a cup of hot cider, check out our WHHR appearal and other gift ideas, and definitely say Hello to the horses. They are what it's all about.

We look forward to wishing you a Merry Christmas in person and thank you for your ongoing support.

We really hope to see you!


December  7th, 2014 |  1pm-4pm
December 14th, 2014 | 1pm-4pm
December 21st, 2014 | 1pm-4pm

No events

Video Report featured on September 2009

Link to Whispering Hearts Horse Rescue struggles to save Gracie