Welcome to Whispering Hearts Horse Rescue - Ontario - Canada
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New Provincial Animal Welfare Service in Ontario (P.A.W.S)

WHHR Story
I have always had a passion for horses, even as a child. When I was 10 years old I used to help out at a local riding stable all day to have the opportunity to ride for one hour at the end of the day. At age 14 I worked at a riding facility as the lead for trail rides and any other chores that were needed. I would spend my summers and weekends there. I did this for about 3 years.
I had always wanted a horse of my own and at 28 I purchased my first horse, Sabrina, an Arabian mare that I still own. I have owned her for 18 years and I am the only person who has ever ridden her. I love her dearly.
I became a member of the Dunnville Humane Society Board and held the positions of Director of Investigations and Director of Foster Parenting. These were volunteer positions as Haldimand County did not have Humane Society services at that time, only animal control.
In 2001 when Welland Humane Society was finally contracted to provide animal control and animal cruelty services for Haldimand County, I began employment with Welland to provide animal control and cruelty services in the County. I obtained my official Agent status through the OSPSA which provided me the authority to conduct cruelty investigations and I also was an animal control officer.
Upon leaving the Welland Humane Society to seek employment with Haldimand County Administration, I became a board member on the Welland Humane Society Board of Director - a position I held for a year.
Prior to the establishment of Whispering Hearts Horse Rescue, I rescued 2 to 4 horses a year which quickly became 4 to 6. I began to realize the great need for horse rescue as cruelty to horses is not as recognized as is with the more domestic breeds such as cats and dogs. I realized we needed an advocate to educate the public and provide a service to the public to help prevent horses from being subjected to auctions and even worse, slaughter. I needed a bigger farm.
I found the farm in Hagersville in the summer of 2007 and began to bring this dream to reality. We moved in December 2007 and the work began. We now have a 48 acre farm with a newer barn and arena. The main herd has a 23 acre paddock. We built a few smaller paddocks to house horses that need more hands on care. We have also added to the barn to accommodate more horses there. We are still building more paddocks and hope to have more separate paddocks built in 2013, however this all comes with a price tag.
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