Success Stories
Success Stories
Success Stories
Congratulations and Thank-You to all of you wonderful people who have opened your hearts and your homes to one (or more!) of our rescue horses.
We love to hear how things are going for you - send us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the quick form on the left to send us an update. Oh... and we love photos, too!
Oakley is a black standardbred gelding. He is a beautiful sweet boy!
He has been adopted!! Thank to you Lisa for giving him such a loving home with you!
Goliath is a 18 year old chestnut Belgian Quarter Horse cross. He is quiet and very quiet to ride! He is an absolutely sweet boy!
He has been adopted!! Thank you Lindsay!
Giblet arrived at the rescue as part of a large removal of 14 horses, he was very malnourished and sick at 8 weeks old. He was part of the Gracie's Legacy story.
Giblet is now a 4 year old paint percheron cross gelding (at last!). Giblet was a cryptorchid. He required the surgery to remove his testicles. His surgery was a sucess and he is doing wonderful now! He is back out in the herd now! Soon he will be ready to start his training! He will be a very big boy due to his draft mom!
Giblet was adopted by my dear friend Marg Moyer!!!
Piper is a 6 year old dark bay foxtrotter mare. She is a gaited horse and would make the smoothest ride! She has been handled all her life but never broke to ride. She is ready to start her training. She leads easily, cross ties, is great for the farrier, and blanketing. She is all around a great horse.
Molly has been adopted.
Justin is a 12 year old bay standardbred gelding. He stands approx 15hh. He is broke to ride and would make a great trail or pleasure horse. He has been ridden on trails as well as in the arena. He still needs some flat work to be done with him to take him to the next level. He is not for beginers, but someone who has ridden a little bit would be a better fit. He is a pacer but he trots more then he paces. If you are looking for a boy to love, then he will definetly fill that place for you.