Success Stories
Success Stories
Success Stories
Congratulations and Thank-You to all of you wonderful people who have opened your hearts and your homes to one (or more!) of our rescue horses.
We love to hear how things are going for you - send us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the quick form on the left to send us an update. Oh... and we love photos, too!
Snickers, one of our Morgan geldings, has gone to his forever home with MacDonald family! This family has already adopted 2 of our morgans a year ago and have done an amazing job with them. Now Snickers will join their Morgan herd and have an amazing life! We are so grateful.
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Spark has found his human! Spark has gone to his forever home with Darrin! We are so excited for this new partnership. Thank you Darrin for giving this boy his new life, he is a gorgeous horse. Your smile says it all and reminds me of why we do what we do here.
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Scratches has a new family to call his own! Scratches came to us from an assistance request from police on July 28, for a stray horse 2.5 hours away. We rushed to help, and picked up this sweet boy. He was really beaten up with many wounds and very scared and traumatized. We are so greatful to the family that called for help and took him in until we could get there. He has blossomed into an amazing young horse, that is now gelded and healthy, after only 2 months! His before and after photos below show his great transformation. Gillian thank you for giving this special boy the best gift, a family to call his own.
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Six Morgan Mares Adopted!
Special thanks to Cheryl for arranging the adoption of 6 Morgan mares! They will now be trained and given a great career. We are so grateful to see these mares get a second chance!
Jasmin went to her forever home with Brenda B and family! Jasmin arrived here extremely emaciated, however she is now a stunning horse with a new family and humans to call her own! We are so grateful to see her go to a home where she can become the best she can be a thrive. Click here to see her transformation video
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Multiple Morgan Adoption!
Jen has adopted a few of our Morgans, which she has had amazing success with! So she came back and adopted 2 more! One yearling and a two year old Morgan filly! I am so grateful for the amazing support rehoming these gorgeous horses!
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